ontinuing the Legacy Through her generous bequest, Isabel Anderson initiated what is now regarded as one of the most significant collections of historic cars in the Western Hemisphere. Since 1949, scores of other individuals have contributed in various ways to building the Larz Anderson Auto Museum into a vibrant cultural and educational institution that attracts enthusiasts of all ages.
Throughout its history, one important piece has been missing: an endowment to ensure that the Museum has the resources needed to continue its mission through good times and bad. A steady, secure base of funding will make it possible to start new programs with confidence that there are resources to support continuation. It will allow flexibility to respond to opportunities and meet unforeseen challenges.
The Museum's friends and supporters understand and appreciate the importance of preserving the past. The time has come to look forward and secure the future of our Museum. Campaign supporters can make a permanent contribution to the Museum's future and the community.
During the campaign, we invite special friends to help secure the future of the Museum with leadership philanthropic commitments to the endowment campaign. Commitments of $10,000 or more can be pledged over a period of up to five years.
Leadership donors to the "Securing the Future" Campaign will be recognized through membership in The Anderson Society. Members will be invited to participate in special events and be recognized on a plaque in a visible location inside the Museum
For more information on how you can participate, please contact Karen at 617-522-6547 x18 or fill out this form and email to Karen at [email protected].